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Innovative Solutions for Existing and Novel Markets

By harnessing the activation energy provided by the cold plasma discharge it is possible to induce controlled chemical reactions that would otherwise be difficult, inefficient or economically non-viable.   What's more, the chemical products synthesised are simultaneously chemically bonded as a nanocoating on the substrate surface without the need for further post-processing, thus keeping the overall process carbon footprint very low.  With most nanocoatings the film is ready for use in its intended application as soon as it exits the plasma chamber, although in some cases a short period of time may be required for thermodynamic stabilisation.  By varying the reactants and tweaking the process parameters, a multitude of products can be synthesised exhibiting a large variety of physical and chemical properties such as:


  • Adhesion / Release

  • Hydrophobicity / Hydrophilicity / Wetting / Anti-fogging

  • Electrostatic adhesion /  Anti-staticity

  • Variable optical transmission / Haze modification

  • Thermal transmission / dissipation

  • Microbicidal / Microbiostatic behaviour

  • Moisture and Oxygen Barrier performance


Listed below are just some of the markets and their manufacturing processes where our substrates have, so far, been used with great success.


In-line plasma surface preparation can be used to render a substrate printable dispelling the need for expensive,  energy-demanding primers .

Flexible Packaging

Food Packaging applications of PNPs technology.

Plasma treatment of susbstrates (metallised or not) allows for printing without the need for expensive primers and their associated time-demanding and energy-intesive drying step.

As with primerless printing, plasma preparation of substrates for metallisation can do away with the need for primers. This is not only good for your company's profit margin it is also a plus for the environment.

In-line plasma surface preparation can be used to render a substrate printable dispelling the need for expensive, time-consuming and energy-demanding primers .

Primerless Printing
Film Metallisation

Preparation of substrate surfaces before metallisation can be carried out with plasma functionalised substrates, instead of traditional corona air etching/oxidation which seriously damages the surface. This improves the adhesion of the metal to the plastic substrate and also creates a more uniform and therefore more effective barrier.

Metallised Films Primerless Printing

As with primerless printing of plastic substrates, plasma functionalisation of the aluminium side of metallised films renders the film printable without the need for primers. A "win-win" both, for your company's economics and the environment.

Plasma nanocoatings can be used for surface functionalisation of substrates to be laminated, rendering them chemically compatible, increasing adhesion and decreasing the temperature required for lamination.

Multilayer Lamination

For refrigerated food products such as meats and vegetables, our anti-fog nanocoatings chemically bonded to the surface of the film permanently prevent the formation of water condensation that hinders visibility. Being food-safe, they can replace currently used chemicals, such as surfactants, which are physisorbed onto the film and therefore their action is temporary.

Anti-fog Packaging

Micro Electronics

Blue electronic flex circuit board curled up in roll on white abstract background. Detail

PNP's plasma nanocoatings can be customised in order to match the substrate's surface energy to the surface tension of the chosen ink. In this way reproducible fine lines are printed which exhibit straight edges, good adhesion and wetting with no risk of short-circuits or circuit discontinuity.

Thin line Printed Electronics

Same as for our functionalised substrates for conventional printed electronics on 2D films, our plasma nanocoatings are chemically bound to synthetic fabric (woven/non-woven) or paper substrates which can be subsequently used in microclimate-controlled garments i.e. "smart" clothing as well as in medical applications.

Smart Fabrics

With selected combinations of our nanocoatings heat dissipation behaviour is observed, a property which allows them to reduce heat stress that may damage the electronic components of printed circuits.

Heat Dissipators

A selected family of our plasma nanocoatings is flexible and heat resistant, properties which make them invaluable for use in thermoforming of printed circuits to a desired three-dimensional shape.

3D Printed Electronics

Energy Transformation & Storage

Sunset on Solar Panels

Plasma nanocoatings exhibiting excellent barrier behaviour to oxygen and humidity, coupled with their longevity show promise in their use as photovoltaic panel backsheets.

PV Panel Backsheet Film

PNP's capability to adjust the anti-static behaviour and the roughness of our nanocoatings, shows promise in the use as coverings for the sun-facing side of photovoltaic panels. As nanocoatings are almost completely transparent, the effect on light harnessing is imperceptible.

Self Cleaning PV Films

Light-weight and flexible with heat dissipating and barrier properties, several of our plasma nanocoated films are potentially ideal for use in the demanding electrochemical environments of batteries and supercapacitors.

Barrier Films for Flexible Batteries
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