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PNP Plasma Technology

Working at atmospheric pressure our unique plasma technology does not require expensive, energy-demanding vacuum pumps and manifolds, with the added benefit of having a small factory-floor footprint.


Moreover, our process is continuous and allows for rapid reel change-over and reduced downtime due to cleaning.

Plasma Nanotechnology Station
Plasma nanocoating Station winder


Large Reel Width

With the ability to treat reel widths from 300-2500mm, PNP 's platforms increase your company's flexibility to meet your client's need while increasing daily output.


High Speed Kinetics

Depending on the the desired final product's process parameters, the speed of plasma processing, typically 20-60 m/min but can climb as high as 400 m/min.  This capability, coupled with wide reel width, greatly multiplies your company's  overall production volumes.

Polyester (PET) reel
Wet_vs_Nano copy.png


Reduction of Raw Material Consumption & Costs

Compared to traditional wet coating methods which are micrometric in scale, our Plasma Nanocoatings, are nanometric (1000 times smaller).  This results in a reduction by a factor of a thousand of raw materials consumed and, by extension, your company's purchasing costs.

Our process is carried out in a gaseous environment. Therefore there are no energy-intensive post-processing drying steps.  As a result, its overall energy consumption is extremely low.  The plasma products are ready for use as soon as they leave the reactor.  The nanocoatings obtained, depending on the treatment, have a shelf-life varying from 6 months to 6 years and more.


Low Demand for Energy

3D animation of electricity meter. Close-up view of kWh counter. Changing numbers on the e
Liquid Nitrogen Tank

Nitrogen is the main vector gas used in our process meaning that there are no dangerous effluents which are difficult and expensive-to-dispose-of (e.g. fluorinated chemicals).  Safe for the environment and, just as importantly, harmless to workers, our process is fluid and safe.


No Toxic Waste-Products

Simple-to-Use Interface

Selecting the appropriate gas vector and chemical precursor is facilitated through the user-friendly HMI which enables easy customisation of surface properties by simply adjusting process parameters at the touch of a screen.


Plasma nanocoating Station
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